Statement Jewelry: Making a Bold Fashion Statement

Statement Jewelry Making a Bold Fashion Statement

Do you want to make a bold fashion statement but aren’t sure how? Statement jewelry can help you express your style and show off your personality. In this article, we’ll discuss what statement jewelry is, how to choose the right pieces, and how to incorporate them into your wardrobe. Are you ready to make a statement with your jewelry? Let’s get started!

1. Statement Jewelry Through the Ages

Statement jewelry has been part of fashion for centuries. Ancient Egyptians wore large, bold necklaces and bracelets made from gold and precious stones to signify their status and wealth. During the Renaissance period, pearls were a popular statement piece among the wealthy, while in the Victorian era, statement brooches were a must-have accessory.

In the 1920s, the Art Deco movement brought about a love for geometric shapes and bold colours, leading to the popularity of statement earrings and necklaces. In the 1960s, the hippie movement brought about a resurgence of natural materials like wood and beads, while the 1980s saw the rise of oversized, chunky jewelry.

Today, statement jewelry has become a staple in fashion, with designers and fashionistas alike embracing the trend. From bold necklaces to oversized earrings, statement jewelry allows individuals to express their unique style and personality.

If you’re looking to make a statement with your jewelry, consider pairing a bold necklace with a simple outfit or adding oversized earrings to a classic dress. Remember, statement jewelry is meant to be eye-catching, so don’t be afraid to go big and bold!

bold statement necklace and earrings.

2. The Psychology of Statement Jewelry

Statement jewelry is a great way to make a bold fashion statement and express your individual style. But it is also a great way to express your personality and emotions. Studies have shown that wearing statement jewelry can have a positive effect on your psychology and confidence.

Research has revealed that wearing statement jewelry can help to boost your self-esteem and make you feel more confident. It can make you feel more empowered and in control of your life. It can also make you feel more attractive and give you a sense of power and status.

Statement jewelry can also be used to express your emotions and feelings. It can be used to show your support for a cause, show your loyalty to a group or show your love for someone. It can also be used to express your beliefs and values. By wearing statement jewelry you can express yourself without having to say a word.

Statement jewelry can also be used to make a statement about your personal style. It can be used to show off your unique style and make you stand out from the crowd. It can also be used to express your creativity and originality. By wearing statement jewelry you can show the world who you are and what you stand for.

Statement jewelry is a great way to make a bold fashion statement and express your individual style. It can also be used to boost your self-esteem, express your emotions and feelings, and show off your personal style. So why not make a statement with statement jewelry today?

woman wearing statement necklace

3. Different Types of Statement Jewelry

Statement jewelry is a great way to add a pop of personality and style to any outfit. There are many different types of statement jewelry, each with their own unique qualities and designs. Here are three types of statement jewelry to consider:

1. Necklaces: Necklaces are a classic type of statement jewelry that can be worn with a variety of outfits. They come in many different styles, from chunky chains to delicate pendants. A statement necklace can add a touch of glamour to a simple dress or blouse.

2. Earrings: Earrings are another popular type of statement jewelry. They come in many different shapes and sizes, from oversized hoops to dramatic chandelier earrings. Statement earrings can add a touch of drama to any outfit.

3. Bracelets: Bracelets are a great way to add a pop of color or texture to your outfit. They come in many different styles, from beaded bracelets to chunky cuffs. A statement bracelet can add a touch of bohemian flair to your look.

4. How to Choose the Right Statement Jewelry

Statement jewelry is a great way to make a bold fashion statement. It can be used to express your personal style, or to dress up an outfit for a special occasion. But how do you choose the right statement jewelry for you? Here are some tips to help you find the best statement jewelry to suit your style.

  1. Think About the Occasion – Consider the occasion when you are looking for statement jewelry. Is it a special occasion such as a wedding or a night out? Different occasions call for different styles of jewelry. For example, for a wedding, you may want to opt for something more traditional and elegant, while for a night out, you may want something more daring and eye-catching.
  2. Choose the Right Color – When choosing statement jewelry, color is an important factor. You want to choose a color that will complement the outfit you are wearing. Try to pick a color that will stand out and that will match the other colors in the outfit. For example, if you are wearing a red dress, you may want to choose a statement piece with red stones or sparkles.
  3. Choose the Right Material – When selecting statement jewelry, you will need to consider the material. Some materials are more durable and will last longer than others. For example, gold or sterling silver are good choices for statement jewelry because they are strong and durable. You may also want to consider materials such as glass or metal for a more unique look.

5. How to Wear Statement Jewelry

Statement jewelry is a great way to make a bold fashion statement. It is a great way to draw attention to your outfit and make it stand out. If you want to make a statement with your jewelry then here are some tips on how to wear it:

  1. Choose the right statement piece. Look for something that stands out from the rest of your outfit. A chunky necklace, bright earrings, or a bold bracelet are all great choices.
  2. Be mindful of your outfit. If your statement piece is too bold, it can overwhelm your outfit. Make sure that the rest of your outfit is simple and understated.
  3. Keep it simple. Too much statement jewelry can be overwhelming. Choose one statement piece and keep the rest of your jewelry simple.
  4. Pay attention to the details. Make sure that the statement piece you choose is well-made and of good quality. Poorly-made statement jewelry can look cheap and tacky.

When it comes to making a bold fashion statement, statement jewelry is a great way to do it. With a few simple tips, you can easily make a statement with your jewelry and stand out from the crowd.

woman wearing statement jewelry with a simple outfit.

6. The Future of Statement Jewelry

The future of statement jewelry is looking bright. As fashion trends continue to evolve, statement jewelry is becoming more popular than ever. The use of bold and unique pieces is an excellent way to add a touch of personality to any outfit.

One of the most significant trends that we can expect to see in the future of statement jewelry is the use of sustainable materials. Consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious, and many are looking for ways to reduce their impact on the planet. As a result, designers are beginning to explore eco-friendly options, such as recycled metals and ethically sourced gemstones.

Another trend that we can expect to see is the use of technology in jewelry design. With the rise of wearable technology, designers are starting to incorporate these features into their statement pieces. This could include items such as smart rings that can track your fitness goals or necklaces that double as a wireless charger for your phone.

Overall, the future of statement jewelry is exciting, and we can expect to see more innovative designs in the years to come.Insert image of sustainable statement jewelry

Recycled Jewelry


Statement jewelry has been a significant part of fashion across various eras, allowing individuals to express their unique style and personality. From ancient civilizations to modern times, these bold pieces have evolved, yet their core purpose remains the same: to make a statement. Wearing statement jewelry can boost confidence, express emotions, and showcase personal style. As fashion continues to evolve, the future of statement jewelry looks promising, with sustainable materials and technological integrations on the horizon.

By Christin Hill

A literature and sociology major with a Master's in Music, Christine Marie Hill is a marketer and product comparison expert.